I have been tryinging to come up with a few ideas for possible business cards...Don't know how successful I have been but I wanted to post a couple that I have done
As promised I am back to share some photos.. I took a few of Ava as we were heading out to preschool. There are some of our trip to the pottery where we painted our own pieces. I also uploaded a few from Christmas.Today was her fist day since mid December. I am happy to get back into a routine. I have been really lazy about my workouts so today I am glad to be back to normal....
I just adore Ali Edwards and am so inspired by her. I decided to take part in the One Little Word prompt. This year my word is Aspire- 1 : to seek to attain or accomplish a particular goal 2 : ascend , soar. Such a wonderful word. I hope to incorporate it in to so many aspect of my life. I aspire to be a better mother and wife. I also was to set a professional aspiration. I finally decided to take the plunge and go in to the photography business. I am excited and nervous Wish me luck...
I am still here. Busy with CHristmas as all of you were too. I have tons of pics to share so I will post tonight with all of them. I did manage to get my december album done! So happy with it. I will do one next year for sure!! Until next post....