I was tagged by Amy and asked to post 7 random things about myself. I am only going to halfway complete the tag as I don't want to re-tag anyone...
1. I don't eat red meat. I love animals too much. :)
2. My birthday is Christmas and yes, it does bite.
3. I love to travel but hate to fly. I always feel like I will surely plummet to my death.
4. I love to run :)
5. I have birthday parties for my dogs :)
6. My favorite day of the year is Christmas Eve.
7. I hate to cook but love to bake.
OK, so
this is what I will be purchasing today. I wish I could say that I would be spending all night enraptured by Dempsey but I have a lab quiz tomorrow and my first Chemistry exam Thursday. I thin I will sit it next to my bed so that the last image in my head is .... OK, I really need to get a life